Bees store the bee bread as feed, and most of it goes to feed the larvae. This nutritious beekeeping product with a rich composition has long been used by people to treat various diseases. We find out what the bee bread is, what vitamins and minerals it contains, its beneficial properties and who is contraindicated in how to choose and store what it heals.
What is bee bread
When visiting a working flower bee, pollen sticks to its body. A bee rams it and makes small lumps, gluing it with its saliva, and then places it in small “baskets” on its hind legs. Such glued pollen in the form of granules 1-3 mm in size is called beekeepers by beekeepers. The pollen pollen, densely tucked by bees into the cells of the honeycombs and flooded with honey, is called a pollen.
Perga mainly feeds to larvae and is the main source of protein. It is also called bee bread.Did you know? Each honeycomb cell contains 140 to 180 mg of bee bread. The color of the granules depends on the type of plants that circled the bees.
There are three types of salmon for sale:
- In honeycombs. This is a natural product that has not undergone processing. It is not particularly stored and can become moldy in high humidity. The content of the beef in them is 50-60%, and the rest is wax, dead and water. Chewing such a honeycomb is inconvenient due to the presence of the remains of brood cocoons (merva).
- Paste. This is a product that is obtained by grinding honeycombs and mixing it with honey. The content of beef in this paste is 30–40%, honey - 30%.
- Perga extracted from honeycombs. This is a product in granules, cleaned from wax and merva. It is dried, and this extends the shelf life well. This 100 percent product looks like small prisms with six faces. On sale usually it is just such dried bee bread.
- Monofloral. It is collected from agricultural land (for example, buckwheat), has a uniform color and taste.
- Polyfloral. If pollen was collected from several plants. Differs in heterogeneous color and richer taste.
Chemical and Vitamin Composition of Purga
The composition of bee bread varies much more from the type of plant from which the bees collected pollen than even honey. 100 g of dry beef contains 238 kcal.
The nutritional value of beef is as follows:
- proteins - 21 g;
- fats - 1.58 g;
- carbohydrates - 34 g;
- dietary fiber - 1 g.
- A - 0.05 mg;
- beta-carotene - 112 mg;
- B1 - 3.5 mg;
- B2 - 2 mg;
- B5 - 8 mg;
- B6 - 1.5 mg;
- B9 - 0.6 mg;
- C - 175 mg;
- D - 4 mg;
- E - 170 mg;
- H - 0.1 mg;
- K - 0.13 mg;
- PP - 20 mg.
Macro and microelements:Did you know? Use for the treatment of bee products (apitherapy) began in ancient Egypt and ancient China. Hippocrates mentioned this therapy in his writings.
- potassium - 1750 mg;
- calcium - 750 mg;
- silicon - 350 mg;
- magnesium - 420 mg;
- sodium - 840 mg;
- sulfur - 70 mg;
- phosphorus - 840 mg;
- chlorine - 64 mg;
- boron - 0.056 mg;
- iron - 1.2 mg;
- cobalt - 7 mcg;
- copper - 12 mcg;
- chromium - 21 mcg;
- zinc - 1.5 mg.
Properties of bee pollen
Bee bread is a unique and useful bee product, but it has contraindications and should be used carefully.
Useful and healing
Perga has the following healing properties - immunostimulating, antibiotic, tonic, firming, nourishing, rejuvenating and cardioprotective, improves blood. Her reception will be useful to different groups of people, but most of all is shown for older people.
For men
- For strong sex, bee bread is useful as follows:
- increases the potency and quality of sperm;
- helps with prostate adenoma and prostatitis;
- contributes to the preservation of male activity in old age and promotes longevity.
For women
- For the female body, bee bread can bring such benefits:
- normalizes hormonal levels and regulates the monthly cycle;
- relieves menopause symptoms;
- helps with infertility;
- eliminates the manifestations of toxicosis of pregnant women;
- increases libido;
- accelerates metabolism and removes excess water, which contributes to weight loss;
- helps a woman to look and feel better, as it contains antioxidants;
- can be used in home cosmetics.
During pregnancy
- It is useful for women who are expecting a baby to use purg, as it:
- contributes to the normal formation of the fetus;
- improves the immune system;
- prevents anemia;
- relieves swelling;
- strengthens the body with the threat of miscarriage;
- is a multivitamin complex and supplies the expectant mother and fetus with the necessary vitamins and minerals;
- increases stress resistance and improves mood.
Important! Pregnant women should consume a bioactive product such as bee bread in minimal doses for prevention. 1-2 months before giving birth, it should be excluded, as it dilutes the blood and can be an allergen to an almost-formed fetus.
For children
- It is useful for a child to eat bee bread for such reasons:
- strengthens the children's body and enhances immunity;
- supplies vitamins and elements for normal physical and mental development;
- is the prevention of seasonal colds.
Harm and contraindications
The bee bread consists of pollen of flowers, from which the frequent likelihood of allergies follows. Individual intolerance may occur. It should be used with caution in nursing women and young children. If the first intake of this product of the vital activity of bees is carried out, then you should start with a small dose.
Also, they are not advised to take the bee bread shortly before bedtime, as its stimulating properties can prevent it from falling asleep.
- Contraindications for bee bread are still such:
- severe forms of cancer:
- Bazedova's disease;
- diffuse toxic goiter;
- hypervitaminosis;
- uterine fibroids.
Indications for use
The use of bee bread is recommended in such cases:
- weak immunity;
- liver disease
- benign tumors;
- anemia;
- prostate adenoma:
- prostatitis;
- physical and mental stress;
- gastrointestinal diseases (ulcers, gastritis, colitis);
- pancreatitis
- cardiovascular diseases;
- high or low blood pressure;
- infertility;
- swelling.
How to take
When using bee bread you should know how many grams where it is:
- in a tablespoon - 21 g;
- in a teaspoon with a slide - 6 g;
- 5 pellets - approximately 1 g.
The norm for adults depends on the purpose of use and is 10-30 g per day. The weight of the baby can affect how much baby pug can be taken. For children, the daily dosage is in the range of 0.7–1 g per kilogram of weight, but in case of illness it can increase on the recommendation of doctors. For prevention, take half the product less than for medicinal purposes. Do not exceed recommended norms - an overdose can cause hypervitaminosis. Method of application depends on preference. Usually, bee bread is absorbed in the mouth, but you can drink the bee bread.
With diabetes
Diabetics can take fermented beef, as it is free from honey and does not contain a lot of carbohydrates. Reception is 2-3 teaspoons, dissolving them in the mouth 30 minutes before eating.
Did you know? The leader in the development of apitherapy in the Russian Federation is the Scientific Research Institute of Beekeeping and the Tentorium company. Most apitherapy specialists are graduated from Ryazan Medical University. I.P. Pavlova.
With anemia
The daily dose for anemia is about 16 g and is divided into 2 doses. You should use the product before breakfast and lunch, as evening reception can interfere with sleep. Take this bee product for a month. And then they take a 2 month break. If the tests showed the norm, then the treatment does not resume.
For immunity
The use of 0.5 tsp. per day is a good prevention of seasonal infectious diseases. Such a prophylactic dose can be brought up to 10 g. However, with tuberculosis or viral infection, this norm increases to 30 g. In case of an exacerbation of an infectious disease, the daily dose for an adult can increase to 70 g.
For teeth
To prevent dental diseases and improve the oral cavity, bee bread with zabrus should be used. To do this, mix 100 g of zabrus and 40 g of beef and roll the balls. They can be chewed 3 times a day and swallowed. This will contribute to the disinfection of the oral cavity, better blood circulation and nourishment of the gums, and cleansing of the teeth. The balls themselves must be stored on the shelf of the refrigerator.
For athletes
Bee bread is very popular among athletes because it contains easily digestible amino acids and has a rich composition. It helps to quickly restore the body after physical activity. In addition, this product saturates the blood with oxygen, which makes it easier to tolerate physical activity. It is recommended to take the product in an amount of 5 g daily 30 minutes before breakfast.
Athletes will also appreciate this mixture - grind 50 g of peeled walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, dried apricots, prunes, dates. Stir with 100 g of bee bread, and then add 200 g of honey. Use the mixture 1 teaspoon 2 times a day (before breakfast and lunch). On the day of training, you can take another spoon - an hour before exercise.In cosmetology
Bee bread is also actively used for cosmetic purposes.
According to the instructions below, you can prepare the following home cosmetics:
- Rinsing for hair and dandruff nutrition. Dissolve 1 table in a glass of warm water. a spoonful of ground beef. Wash hair with detergent and rinse it with such a solution. Then rinse well with warm water.
- Mask for the face. It softens the skin and gives it a healthy color. To prepare this mask, you need to mix 50 g of beef, 50 g of honey and 5 g of propolis. The resulting mixture should be diluted with warm water to a concentration of sour cream, and then applied to the skin of the face and decollete. After half an hour, rinse with warm water.
- Nourishing face and neck mask. Mix well 1 teaspoon of bee bread with 1 tbsp. milk and rinse after 30 minutes.
Important! To avoid side effects, before applying homemade cosmetics with bee bread, you should test your skin for an allergy to this product. To do this, the solution with it is applied to the wrist and wait 15-20 minutes.
How to determine the quality
For use, you should choose a quality product. In appearance, the bee bread in granules should be loose and look like small lumps-hexagons, mostly of dark tones with small lighter impregnations. This product must be dry without any signs of moisture. If it forms a lump during compression, then bee bread contains unnecessary moisture and is not dried properly. It is better to refuse such an acquisition, because after a while it will quickly grow moldy.
If the product has the slightest signs of mold, then it is simply unsuitable. The most reliable place where you can get fresh bee products is the apiary. Do not despair if you do not have a friend beekeeper. Pure dry beetroot is sold by companies specializing in beekeeping products, and it can be ordered in online stores.
Features of storage at home
The shelf life of bee bread depends on many factors and may be different, but under the right storage conditions, it is about 1 year.
The most optimal storage method is in granules. These granules are stored in glass jars, containers and fabric bags. In this form, the product does not react so much to temperature, so it can be stored without problems in an apartment in the pantry. First of all, when storing this product, you need to provide the necessary humidity - no more than 15-30%, that is, the store must be dry.
Excess moisture can cause mold and provoke the appearance of a wax moth, so a refrigerator due to high humidity is also not the best place, but you can keep the necessary temperature regime in it. Storage containers do not need to be closed tightly, there should be air intake.
The product, sealed in honeycombs containing honey, is more useful and the most natural, as bees make it this way. They just chew it, dissolving. The optimum temperature regime is +1 ... + 5 ° C, humidity is not more than 30%. In such conditions, the shelf life is up to 6 months.Important! All ware for storage needs to be washed and wiped dry - the slightest moisture should be absent.
A mixture of beef and honey can be kept at home in the pantry. It is believed that in this form the product has the longest shelf life. But in any case, storage is carried out for no more than 1 year, otherwise bee bread begins to lose its usefulness.
What is the difference between pollen and pollen
Not everyone knows about the differences between bee bread and pollen (pollen).
Consider the main ones:
- Bee bread is stored longer than bagel. Pollen has the ability to absorb moisture, therefore its shelf life is limited, but the bee bread is more resistant to the appearance of pathogenic bacteria due to the content of lactic acid, therefore, the shelf life is longer.
- External data. Pollen is small yellow round lumps, and bee bread are brown granules of a denser structure.
- Smell. Bee bread has a characteristic aroma of nectar.
- Structure. Perga has a high concentration of sugars, so its nutritional value is 3-5 times higher than the nutritional value of pollen.
- Bee bread has the same properties as pollen., but, being subjected to additional processing by enzymes and the fermentation process, acquires qualities such as faster absorption, increased useful qualities, which increases the effectiveness of the use of this product. Everything else, it is 3 times stronger as a natural antibiotic.
When used for treatment, only one of these beekeeping products is taken.
Did you know? Portion and bee bread in their composition of amino acids are on a par with meat products, milk and eggs.
Perga is a useful product of the vital activity of bees, and it can be used to treat various diseases if there are no contraindications. The consumption of this bee product should be treated with caution, as it may be allergic to it.